Healing Arts Medicine is redefining health care. Founded in Vero Beach, Florida their treatment philosophy is based on the art-in-medicine framework.
They partner with existing oncology treatment facilities, their patients, caregivers, their staff, and professional artists to provide in person, interactive, art-focused experiences in local communities that are human-centered and fun, elevating the overall treatment experience.
Wildstory’s Mission?
Help Healing Arts Medicine build a brand that is worthy of their mission, increase awareness, and launch a new business model — all while treating oncology patients.
Our approach needed to be thoughtful, comprehensive and cohesive, impacting customer touchpoint from brand strategy to the online experience and everything in between.
<div class="w-layout-grid rich-text-2-columns_grid is--green-text"><p class="rich-text-2-columns_item"><span class="georgia-font is--italic">Challenge</span><br>Turn the founders dreams & ideas into a comprehensive brand strategy that would be the foundation of their business model. Clarify the brand’s positioning and the customers they serve. Align a globally dispersed team around a singular brand vision and go to market strategy.</p><p class="rich-text-2-columns_item"><span class="georgia-font is--italic">Outcome</span><br>Wildstory helped Healing Arts Medicine focus their brand and marketing strategy. This led to a clear vision and go to market strategy. With a laser focus on their target customers and the necessary brands assets the business was able to launch and begin generating revenue. Not to mention serving thousands of oncology patients everyday.</p></div>
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Developing the Strategy
Wildstory’s Chief Strategist, Marc Gutman, sat down onsite in Vero Beach, Florida with founding partners Dr. Raul E. Storey and Barbara Hoffman, to craft the brand’s strategy for the upcoming launch of their business. Over a two-day facilitated session, Marc surfaced the challenges the organization faced. In the process, the prioritized the needs and goals of the business and its customers. This became the foundation for the branding and messaging strategy as the business went to market.