Remember the feeling when you asked someone out on that first date or proposed to your spouse? Remember that super excited but super-nervous, super-vulnerable feeling in your stomach? Or perhaps you experienced this feeling when you knew what you wanted to do with the rest of your life but didn’t know how to get there? Well that’s how I’m feeling as I write and launch this blog. It’s a feeling of excitement, nervousness, uncontainable ambition, all combined with the “I sure hope this works and doesn’t flame out in a flaming ball of embarrassment and failure”.
So with that confident introduction out of the way here goes nothing! I’ll be writing from a Founder’s perspective as well as providing insight as to what it’s likein the trenches of a rapidly growing public relations firm. Our “boutique” (public relations speak for “not large” ) PR firm is dedicated to big ideas and big results for our clients. I got into PR because I love the work and seeing client’s businesses grow as a result of our efforts. I think it’s great that a PR firm wears many different hats. One day we’re pitching media relations, another is filled with copy & creative writing, or maybe social media. No day is the same. Each day is an adventure. Each day is...well...Wild.
Wild in both the literal and metaphorical sense. And if you couldn’t tell, I love stories. The bigger, badder, the better. I plan on sharing as many wild stories as time allows. We hope you find this blog informative, entertaining, sometimes silly, and above all shockingly transparent and honest. We’ll be covering our interactions with clients, the media, tips on PR, media relations, and social media. We’ll let our readers in behind the kimono and hopefully teach you a thing or two and learn some valuable lessons ourselves.
I’m also excited to be sharing this space with other writers who are part of our team and have expertise in a variety of subjects. WildStory digs feedback, so please always feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below. We hope to inspire lively debate and insightful commentary, while never taking ourselves too seriously. All we ask is that you keep comments civil and don’t say anything you wouldn’t if you were sitting say across from me at Starbuck’s. Pretty simple, most certainly logical.
Lastly, please feel free to contact us directly. You can always send us a message via our contact form or email me directly at: mgutman at wildstory dot com Don’t forget to stay in touch with us on social media and learn about new blog posts, upcoming events, PR and social media tips, and much more. Join our #wildstory or share your own #wildstory on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and LinkedIn.