How to CRUSH Your Kickstarter Campaign

Okay, here it is!

Here are the "How do I crush my Kickstarter campaign?" goods!

I am truly excited to share this content with anyone who is thinking about funding a project on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or any other crowdfunding effort.  I am not joking that I get at least 1-2 calls a week from aspiring entrepreneurs asking "I'm thinking about launching my dream on Kickstarter. How do I make my Kickstarter campaign a success?"

inboard skate kickstarter campaign

These are some of my favorite calls and also some that bum me out. They're my favs because I love the unbridled enthusiasm, optimism, and hope of each of these new entrepreneurs. They are ready to take that step, to launch a business, to put their money where their mouth is.  And this gets me jazzed up.  Jazz-hands up!  Then there are the entrepreneurs who I talk to that are woefully unprepared. Unprepared with their idea, unprepared to do the work.  And some just don't know what they are getting into.

Well all that's about to change. I come from an abundance mindset and believe that we all benefit in sharing. I'm here to share what I know - free of charge.  I often use the term "gold nugget" when describing a valuable takeaway. What I'm about to share is a treasure chest of gold or maybe even a whole Kickstarter campaign gold mine!

inboard skate, kickstarter

Recently I had the opportunity to do a long form video interview with my amazing friend and client, Ryan Evans. Ryan is the CEO of Inboard Sports and one of those bright lights that makes everyone around him better.  We worked together on his Kickstarter campaign for their flagship, electric skateboard.  We eclipsed our goal of $100,000 in less than 48 hours and ended the campaign with nearly $500,000 in backer raised funds.  Inboard has gone on to raise several million in funding and is a couple of months away from shipping their highly anticipated boards -- as backer #1 I can't wait!

I can't think of a better case study than Inboard to talk about how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign.

Please let us know what you think and add to our conversation in the comments below.  If you have an awesome Kickstarter tip or insight please share it with us!

Interested in WILDSTORY launching your product in a successful Kickstart campaign?

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